Superset +
"The Swarm"
Superset case study where we automated data broker compliance, saved tens of thousands in fines, and provided peace of mind.
What is the Swarm?
"The Swarm is a Next-gen people and relationship data platform.”
What was the problem or challenge you were facing that led you to superset?
“Navigating data compliance obligations across different states and countries.”
What did we do for The Swarm?
We assessed their compliance needs, reviewed their business practices, and provided tailored recommendations for meeting California’s requirements. We then gathered their business information and successfully filed with the CPPA, even handling the physical check payment. We also supplied the necessary language for their privacy policy to meet California’s reporting standards and continued to monitor their compliance status. Finally, we notified them upon certification.
What was the greatest value you received from using our service?
“Peace of mind. Knowing we were in compliance with the different agencies and regulatory bodies that we needed to, both now and moving forward.”
Why did you choose Superset over anything else?
“Easy to work with. Simple setup. Experts in the space.”